Lead Generation Website

What is a local lead generation website and why do we like them so much for local businesses? A lead generation website is a business website that’s designed specifically to generate leads, attract new customers or increase sales for local businesses. They’re designed...

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Average Cost WordPress Web Design

Average Cost WordPress Web Design

Colorado Springs Wordpress Website Design Themed Lead Generation Website - $1,295 + Semi-Custom Lead Generation Website - $2,400 + Full Custom Website - $3,500 + ECommerce Full Custom Website - $3,500 + Website Design Estimate If you'd like to get a no-hassle,...

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Who Is Taking Care Of Your Business Website?

Who Is Taking Care Of Your Business Website?

Colorado Springs Website Hosting I’d like to talk with you for a few minutes today about a very important subject – your business website hosting. I promise I’ll be brief and to the point. If you’re not sure what hosting is, here’s a quick description. Hosting is the...

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Is SEO Dead? It Might Just Be Sick (Part 1)

Is SEO Dead? It Might Just Be Sick (Part 1)

Is SEO Dead? I guess it depends what you mean by the term SEO (Search Engine Optimization).  There are two basic types of SEO - on-page and off-page. We'll be discussing on-page SEO in more detail here, leaving the topic of off-page SEO for another article - part 2....

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Click the link below and submit your information for a free consultation! Or, just give me a call at 729-761-4862. [contact-form-7 id="594" title="Client Contact"]

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How Much Traffic Is Your Website Getting?

How Much Traffic Is Your Website Getting?

These days it's extremely easy to have a website for your business, but do you know how much website traffic (how many visitors) are coming to your website? Collecting and analyzing detailed visitor data can be crucial to your success online. This data can tell...

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Fake Reviews Online – Trouble With A Capital T

Fake Reviews Online – Trouble With A Capital T

It's a fact that 85% of consumers say that they read online reviews for local businesses (up from 76% in 2012) - searchengineland.com. And those businesses that have great reviews will get the lion's share of the click-throughs to their websites and ultimately, get...

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How’s Your Online Reputation?

How’s Your Online Reputation?

I’m not sure how you got into this situation, but your online reputation has taken a hit.  Maybe it was an unhappy customer, a bad customer experience - or just a troublemaker trying to ruin your day. You now may have some rather unflattering reviews online about you...

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New Website Estimate

New Website Estimate

We want to provide a full and complete estimate for your new website estimate, but first we'll need some information! Please fill in as much information as you can and we'll get back with you shortly with a new website estimate. Or, you can call us at (719) 761-4862....

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Website Questionnaire

We are thrilled that you are considering us to design your website! Please provide some information so that we can determine accurate pricing for your needs.

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WordPress Website Updates And Backup

Has your Wordpress website been neglected? Regular Wordpress software and plugin updates are crucial to the performance, health and safety of your website.  When was the last time you backed up your Wordpress website - and all its important data, images and content?...

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Web Hosting

What is Web Hosting? Hosting is space where your website "lives." Hosting also can provide a foundation for email addresses and storage for online documents, etc. If you have a website, you'll need great hosting. Why buy hosting from us? Competitive Pricing 99.23%...

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Getting Business In the Door – The Right Way!

Getting Business In the Door – The Right Way!

The number one priority of most business owners is getting business in the door. There are many ways to accomplish this important task using the vast array of tools and strategies that the internet provides. To keep things simple break those tools into two categories:...

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